You are a Heart’s Smile
The fulfillment of our furry friends
I caught myself smiling today, and I realized it was all because of you.
“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” – Martin Buber
In today’s world we are surrounded by so many adversities, whether it is a society issue, our health or dealing with the everyday stressors. We may ask ourselves, how do we cope from day to day? Then we are reminded as our Furmily reaches out.
We enter our driveway, and approach our homes. Behind the door we are greeted with an undeniable love. Welcome home, you were missed. That is where we are greeted without judgment. Our furry family has awaited our arrival and is there to understand our needs.
It starts off with our body language. The assessment has started. At that moment they are ready to give and receive love. Pets show love by being excited to see us, by greeting us, by vocalizing in ways that show us they're excited to see us, by spending time with us and seeking us out to be in our company.
Rubbing up against your legs
Sometimes you can only take a short step before there are paws and tails tangled around your legs.
Snuggling with you
Warm cuddle sessions can help relax both you and your pet and may even help lower your blood pressure.
Wagging their tail
Sometimes your pet gets so excited their entire body wiggles! This is their way of saying, “I missed you! I love you! Please give me attention!”
Visibly excited when they hear your name
If your pet has memorized his or her human’s name, and they start jumping up and down, meowing or barking when they hear it, you know you must be someone really special.
Sleeping next to you at night
Did you know that 75% of pet owners let their furry friends sleep in the bed with them? Why wouldn’t you snuggle up with your furry family member at night when there are so many benefits. From the shared body heat, to the relaxing purrs, to the safety of knowing your pet is by your side, there are just so many great things about sharing your sleeping space with your pet.
Cats purr because they are happy and content. Since your kitty can’t talk, purring is their way of saying “I love you” in the only way they can.
Slowly blinking at you
Have you heard of oxytocin? It’s called the “love hormone” and it’s been shown to increase in people, dogs and cats when you and your best furiend see each other. The slow blink is your pet’s way of communicating just how much they adore you.
Giving you smooches
As youngsters, puppies will lick their parent’s faces as a way of showing submission. Mother cats will lick their kittens as a way of grooming them. Just like with humans, dogs and cats use kisses as a way of showing affection for their favorite person.
Rolling over for belly rubs
When your pooch or kitty rolls over on their back for a belly rub, they are in a very vulnerable position, and they are showing you just how much they trust you. They know you’d never hurt them and they love the closeness that comes from a nice soft belly rub.
Sharing their favorite toy with you
Sometimes our pets can be spoiled and they will latch onto their favorite toy and refuse to give it back. When your dog drops their favorite ball in your lap or your kitty drops their toy mouse at your feet, they are sharing their most prized possession with the person they care about the most.
Placing their paw on you
We are our pet’s entire world. They don’t understand why we spend so much of our time staring at small screens or typing at a computer. If your fur baby nudges you or places their paw on you while you’re busy, it is simply a gentle reminder that they are there for you, they care about you, and they would love a good ear scratch or belly rub.
Jumping on your lap
No matter how old our dogs and cats get, they are still our little babies. Sometimes they don’t realize they are too big to sit on our lap, but they try anyway. Savor every minute of snuggle time with your pet, because snuggling is your pet’s love language.
Getting the zoomies when you come home
It’s safe to say that most dogs and cats get the zoomies once in a while. Whether it is after a warm bath when they’re feeling clean and frisky, or when they’re hunting down that pesky laser pointer, getting the zoomies is a sign that your pet is feeling their absolute best and they just need to expel a little bit of their excitement.
Following you around
If your pet is your shadow, and you find yourself nearly tripping over them because they’re right under your feet, it is simply because they want to be by you. The things you do are interesting to your pet and they want to be involved. Plus, if your pet is following you around, then they can keep their eye on you and they know you are safe.
Trying to get you to play with them
Dogs and cats naturally love to play with other animals of the same species, but if your pet is trying to get you to play with them, it means they consider you family. They have accepted you as the leader of their pack and they want to do everything they can to engage you and make sure their human is involved in their favorite activities. After all, no matter how old you are, everyone enjoys spending time with their best friend.
The power of love.
Hospitalized for 63 days, we must understand, never to underestimate the power of human animal bond. Kitty Buttons was in our clients heart thought-out his recovery. A yearning to see Buttons once again, and that day was a beautiful one, to see them reunite once again. The void we feel while separated from our loved ones can not be explained in words. Only to witness the celebration of two hearts that were once apart through a gentle touch and a return in a purr will bring us the understanding.
The power of healing.
Our furry friends have super powers, did you know that? An animal has the ability to detect danger. Medical danger can occurred in our very dear client’s owner. Stella can detect a seizure before it takes place, and the super powers kicked in. She will boo her owner several times if she senses a seizure coming on. She will quickly lay on her if the seizure begins.
Detecting warning signs of disease
But even before humans get sick, animals can help to detect the warning signs of disease. Dogs can for example detect if a patient is about to go into epileptic seizure as described above or have a narcoleptic moment.
Numerous studies have shown that trained dogs can detect many kinds of disease — including lung, breast, ovarian, bladder, and prostate cancers, and possibly Covid-19 — simply through smell. When a dog is detecting sickness in their human, there are some tell-tale signs you can read simply from your doggy's body language. The dog will raise his snoot and tilt his head when he is trying to concentrate on the things, sounds and smells around him. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and energy, which enables them to get an entire story with just a scent and interpret human emotions before humans do. Aside from detecting human illness they can detect death as well.
Today, many people will add a furry friend to their home to alert medical issues. Our pets are always available to accept our love and offer protection and emotional support.
I never thought I would love again.
We are changing the seasons, while these seasons are short for a furry friend who has graced our lives in what seems NOT long enough. They are the time spent according to them in their years.
When we are forced to say goodbye to our furry friends, we are certain we will never fill that loss. We are reminded of their nature around ever corner of our homes. We may never come to terms with why our longevity in life doesn’t match their years. We often ponder this all too many times.
Our dear client suffered the loss of his best friend Enzo, and the following year a loss his other best friend Bocelli. The bonds that are built between us as we open our homes to these amazing creatures is limitless. They imprint within our hearts in their very own unique way. Never mimicking one another, so we think.
Can we add additional love? Are we ready to love again?
He was saddened, his life was moving through seasons health wise. The void was evident to his wife. She longed for the smile within his heart, not for what was voided between a marriage, but, for the void of his loss.
Then our new kittens arrived! He sparkled a sense of joy. The many powers that a furry friend can shed upon another. Today, a small glimmer of reminders happen in their home. A memory becomes real. Mimicking the friends they said goodbye to. He is at peace and his family knows what gift they have provided.
Keeping our home filled with many intentions.
We may forever be in wonder of the The fulfillment of our furry friends. Just as we are with many things in life, but, one thing for sure is the love, understanding and support our furry friends bring to our lives. Each are unique in their own way. Ask a pet owner and they will be glad to share their super powers with you.
Blog written: Doreen Levers